Can Online Domestic Violence Courses Be Completed on Mobile Devices?

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects millions of people. Whether you are on the receiving end of abuse or you are a perpetrator of it, there is help. Taking a domestic violence course online or in person is an important step to understanding how to control anger and other emotions that can lead to abuse. It is also an opportunity to learn how to have healthy relationships and help those around you.

Domestic abuse can include physical aggression but also stalking, intimidation and emotional deprivation. People who use these types of tactics often do not think of the consequences their actions may have. The most serious consequences are for children who are subjected to violence in the home. At least 3 million children a year witness some form of domestic abuse and can suffer from behavioral problems as a result. Children who live with abusive families are also at an increased risk of suicide.

Anger management classes can help people learn to control their emotions, even if they are in danger of losing control. Often, this type of education is provided in a group setting where people of the same gender, socio-economic status and race can come together to learn new ways to interact with others. Some of these new skills include recognizing triggers that lead to outbursts, expressing feelings rather than reacting with aggression and understanding how to defuse other feelings like fear or anxiety.

In some cases, people are required to attend online domestic violence courses as part of a court order or as part of an agreement with a victim. Other times, these classes are voluntarily taken by individuals who wish to change their abusive behaviors. Regardless of the reason, it is important to enroll quickly in an online or physical class that is court-approved for your situation. Some classes have real-time video conference sessions and can be completed from a computer, iPhone or other Internet-enabled device.

The takeaway from these classes is not that anyone who has hurt others in the past should hate themselves, but that they need to respect their own potential for good and to work on their issues. Those issues may be childhood trauma, adversity or bad habits that lead to a lack of respect for others.

While there is no definitive answer to this question, it is likely that online classes are more effective than in-person classes. Batterers often have a difficult time accepting that their behavior is wrong and will need to be taught new tools in order to break the cycle of abuse. Unfortunately, there is little support outside of class walls to help them make these new changes stick. The very people these men hope to reform for may unwittingly work against their rehabilitation by putting them back in a position where they will be tempted to return to their old behaviors.

The best way to determine if online domestic violence courses are the right choice for you is to discuss your needs with your probation officer or attorney. Most courts have a list of approved providers that offer online classes.

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